0421 226 157 | niall@onpointbricks.com.au

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Mortar Restoration

and Repointing

Crack Stitching and Refilling

Alterations and Renovations

Small Projects and Repairs

Mortar Restoration and Repointing

Mortar degrades over time. This is particularly true in areas of the house beneath the damp proof course or with poor ventilation. It doesn’t fall out in chunks, rather, the cement breaks down and it turns back in to sand. We cut all the failing mortar out of the joints, and install new, damp proof, colour matched mortar back in, and finish it to match the existing. The result is a near seamless transition from old to new. 

Repairs and Alterations and Small Brick Jobs

Renovations often require alterations to doors and windows. On Point Bricks are happy to brick in around those openings. More often than not, we can salvage enough bricks to use your originals, and match the mortar colour, making it look like it was always there.

Repairs to front fences and letterboxes are our specialty. Tree roots and car impacts are the main culprits. We also replace rusted lintels over garage doors and sub-floor access openings.

Have you got bricks left-over from a new build? We can build you a letterbox or a small front fence. Give us a call for a free quote.

Crack Stitching and Repair

The repair of cracked brickwork doesn’t always need to be an intrusive process. Where suitable, we use a helical rod system to reinforce the brickwork across the crack and point up the open joints with a colour matched mortar. It’s quick, its clean and it works. Call us for a free quote today.

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